Alabama CBF is a vibrant, Christ-centered community of churches and individuals in Alabama who work together in Christian missions and ministry.
Partner in Renewing God’s World
The people and churches of Alabama CBF are constantly forming together in three major ways: through holistic mission engagement, cultivating healthy congregations, and investing in the future generation of Baptists. We are active around our state through various mission efforts, including major collaborative mission work in Perry County, and Sowing Seeds of Hope. We provide resources and networking for young Baptists for their Christian journey. And we also help churches connect to the global missions efforts of CBF, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
Mission Engagement
Alabama Cooperative Baptist Fellowship's focus for mission engagement is to serve Christians and churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission. Alabama CBF partners with several organizations and causes that cultivate community, bear witness to Jesus Christ, and seek transformational development among people and places otherwise forgotten. We have several opportunities locally and globally for congregations and individuals to become involved.
Healthy Congregations
Alabama CBF helps churches find opportunities for connection, identity, and shared vision. Pastors, church ministerial staff, deacons, or Sunday school teachers will find resources and tools to enhance their effectiveness. We seek to help church leaders thrive, offering leadership development, educational materials, spiritual formation support, and opportunities for networking and renewal.
Young Baptists
Resourcing and networking young Baptists for the Christian journey is crucial to Alabama CBF’s mission. Through experiences, ministries, programs, connections, and local church support, Alabama CBF and CBF Global are encouraging and creating an environment in which young adults can thrive, be energized, and have opportunities to give life to the world around them as they use their gifts in service of God and others.
“Alabama CBF has impacted my life in countless ways, and I am honored to use my ministry experience and my gifts for organization, relationship building, and communication to give back.”
— Deanne “Dee” Bearden Ford, Pastor of Crosscreek Baptist Church