Healthy Congregations
At Alabama CBF, we are dedicated to fostering thriving and vibrant congregations by facilitating meaningful connections and providing valuable resources. Through our efforts, we bring clergy and laypeople together for renewal, fellowship, and encouragement, nurturing a supportive community where everyone can flourish. Our congregations and ministers are healthier when they are connected to one another.
Ministry Grants
Alabama CBF has available seed money for projects that focus on improving congregational or community health, defined broadly. Applicants will be asked to consider what their churches could do that hasn't been done before or that could be done better with more resources.
Ministerial Resources
Alabama CBF and our partners offer a variety of events and resources throughout the year, providing opportunities for ministers to come together for learning, fellowship, and encouragement. From workshops on sermon planning to discussions on understanding post-modern cultural shifts, our events are tailored to address the unique needs and challenges faced by ministers today.
Peer Groups
Peer learning groups are small communities of CBF ministers who meet monthly to provide opportunities for worship, spiritual growth, study, discussion of ministry-related issues, and fellowship. Groups are small, generally with 10-14 members, and led by a convener with support from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The convener and group members determine the focus of each month's gathering.
Church Finance Resources
CBF and the CBF Foundation are committed to providing resources and support to enhance church financial health. Their focus areas include church budgets, stewardship, addressing capital needs, legacy giving, endowments, and rethinking facilities and church property as assets.
Women in Ministry
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship was founded, in part, around issues of gender equality. We have encouraged the calling of women in ministry and intentionally include women in positions of leadership - including global, state, and regional councils, moderators, and staff.
Church Benefits Board
The Church Benefits Board, Inc. (CBB), is a ministry of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF), created in 1998 by the General Assembly to provide retirement benefits for ministers and staff members of churches that are affiliated with CBF, along with CBF personnel in Atlanta and field personnel worldwide.
Introducing the Jones Founders’ Award for Service and Leadership
The Alabama Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is honored to introduce the Jones Founders’ Award for Service and Leadership, established to recognize individuals or groups who embody the same spirit of dedication and service demonstrated by Joe and Frances Jones. This award celebrates the pivotal role the Joneses played in founding Alabama CBF, shaping its mission, and creating space for thoughtful Baptist discourse through their work, including their publication The Baptist Light. Their legacy of integrity, encouragement, and commitment to community and justice continues to inspire our Fellowship.
Learn more about the Jones Founder’s Award for Service and Leadership.